ATON is a hopefully evolving classification theory. It aspires to unify knowledge around numbers and prefers naive methods. Some of the older posts are wrong but I'll keep them for the sake of continuity.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Bach's seal

Isn't it gorgeous? It has few aspects that I wanted to share with the cyber space.

Mainly it is a representation of mediated duality. Two sides reflect each other and they also merge in the middle to make the mediator. Like (-1,0,+1) and (black,grey,white). Bach is giving the second most outstanding aspect of existence, mediated duality. Unity is the first aspect.

The crown on the mediator has the numbers 4, 5 and 7 coded in a symmetry like Menorah's, the Jewish candle holder icon. There are 5 dashes and 7 knobs on the crown. The center and side knobs are specially capped, leaving 4 not capped. Is Bach giving a clue here about how to link two different symmetries? 4 is also visible in the mediator's inner square divided into 4. 5 is the number of senses, with 4 of them {taste,smell,hear,see} being mediated by {touch}. Thus Bach also gives the third aspect, mediated dual-duality. The reflected JSB on both sides also reveal mediated dualities each, S being the mediator of J and B. The universe is also built on 5 forces, {strong,weak,higgs,light,gravity}. Complex numbers have the same mediated dual-duality symmetry, (-1,+1,0,-i,+i). And as we know, complex numbers are closed.

The symmetry that Bach mastered is the symmetry of music, life and the universe. All music obey the same symmetry, but Bach knew what he was doing, not only feel. What a man. He united the western music with his 48 preludes and fugues. 48=2*24, 4!=24. When the symmetry of the universe is ever found, it may confirm Bach. Bach united music and I think also showed the way forward for science. He heard the sound of unification in his heart and mind in balance, a testament to power of good music. In doing so, he also showed the way for happiness; balance of mind and heart. It is a miracle that he ever existed.

(The seal is from Wikipedia)


EDIT 6/4/2013 Check this out! The expected value of Hamiltonian in Dirac formalism.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Sex and time

The family tree of a person is like a cone fractal infinitely expanding into past. A person in the past has both sides of the cone until the present. Special relativity defines a light cone for every locality. Sexual reproduction forms the backbone of life's space-time. Every sexual encounter that result in fertilisation forms a node in life's matrix. From this node a being emerges and goes on to make own nodes in the matrix. The distance travelled from one node to the next has a statistical spread. There would be an average speed of gene transmission into the future in this matrix, like speed of light. When looked overall, it looks like a time-cone.

Sexual dynamics may be a clue to quantum mechanics of space-time. What else for life to imitate, apart from space-time itself? Time, light and gravity are intimately linked. Light is like male, gravity like female. Light brings life to matter. Life make space by feeding and doing the chores of life. The locality defined by a life transmits itself through sex to other nodes.

Living make space, fucking make time.